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Out of This World
Hali Greengard thinks she's a freak. She's a twin from Hexa, a planet where twins are always Daka together. Except for her. She is Luma.
When the navigation system on her family's interplanetary cruiser goes haywire, an ordinary family holiday turns into a nightmare. They are hurtled through space with no known destination, finally dropping into orbit around a small, unlisted planet in the Milky Way.
The family is welcomed by two of the inhabitants, who call themselves Humans but bear a striking resemblance to Lumas. Soon they discover that space travel is banned on Earth, and they are, in fact, fugitives from the law. Things go from bad to worse when they're spotted by the nosy kids from the farm next door - whose mother is the local cop.
Hali and her family must work quickly to save their new friends. Along the way, they discover that Lumas and Humans might have more in common than they thought
This fast-paced intergalactic adventure is a story of family, friendship, and discovering who you really are.

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